'is'(Result, Expression) is true if and only if evaluating Expression as an expression gives Result as a result.
Evaluable functors | |
(pi)/0 | Pi constant |
(e)/0 | E constant |
(tau)/0 | Tau constant (2*Pi) |
(+)/2 | Addition |
(-)/2 | Subtraction |
(*)/2 | Multiplication |
(//)/2 | Integer division |
(/)/2 | Division |
(rem)/2 | Remainder |
(mod)/2 | Modulus |
(+)/1 | Identity |
(-)/1 | Negation |
(abs)/1 | Absolute value |
(sign)/1 | Sign |
(float_integer_part)/1 | Integer part |
(float_fractional_part)/1 | Fractional part |
(float)/1 | Float coercion |
(floor)/1 | Floor |
(truncate)/1 | Truncate |
(round)/1 | Round |
(ceiling)/1 | Ceiling |
(**)/2 | Power |
(^)/2 | Power |
(sin)/1 | Sine |
(cos)/1 | Cosine |
(tan)/1 | Tangent |
(asin)/1 | Arc sine |
(acos)/1 | Arc cosine |
(atan)/1 | Arc tangent |
(atan2)/2 | Arc tangent |
(exp)/1 | Exponentiation |
(log)/1 | Logarithm |
(sqrt)/1 | Square root |
(>>)/2 | Bitwise right shift |
(<<)/2 | Bitwise left shift |
(/\)/2 | Bitwise and |
(\/)/2 | Bitwise or |
(xor)/2 | Bitwise exclusive or |
(\)/1 | Bitwise complement |